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How To Be Very Hopeful And Walk In Faith

 I remember those times when things became very tough for me financially and emotionally. What made it more difficult was that I didn’t even know where to turn except to cry to God.

And He rescued me.

Now, what I did to come out of that situation was not a mystery but acting on Gods instruction.

He brought the reality of the scripture to my life. And that was how I became hopeful that this situation has come to pass; and I began to express my faith, putting my faith to work.

Let me share with you the efficacy of the three things I learned all through the period as I became hopeful and working on these words develop faith in me that I began to see the day star.

+ It is by God’s mercy that you are not consumed: This should give you hope. Trying times will always come; it is probably the only way that we can put our faith to work. Your attitude at this time is very important. You must have heard the saying that; “it is not what happened to you but how you respond to it”. The book of Lamentations in chapter 3 highlighted the fact that it is because of the mercy of God that we have not lost everything. Pray for and take advantage of His mercy. For it is not of him that run or wills but it is God that shows mercy.     

+ That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in you: All of Christ days on the earth, he was never disadvantaged. Even when what was available to feed over a thousand people was just two loaves of bread and five fishes, the whole crowd ate and even had left overs. The Bible recorded that the Holy Spirit was in him and caused all the miracles he performed. Now, God is saying that same Spirit is resident on the inside of you and you have to make it come alive. How? By speaking in tongues. This will do two things for you: help you hear clearly and strengthen you. 

+ All things work together for your good: This is where you put your faith to work knowing that all things work together for your advantage. When you know that the situation will be for your good, then there’s no worries or anxiety. You’re relaxed in God’s love knowing that He’s got everything in control. This can only come by a certain kind of consciousness just like what Abraham knew.

I want to encourage you today that whatever challenges you are going through, it shall come to pass and you will emerge victorious because that is the life that Christ brought for you.

You might be going through what you consider a mess right now, David found himself in that same spot but God delivered him out of all destructions.

And peradventure you’re at a point, where you have given in to depression. I bring you the good news that God loves you more than you could ever be imagined and He won’t allow you die in that place where you are.

Dust yourself up and set yourself for a life of unending and joyous life.

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