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God Won’t Ever Give Up On You; Why Do You Give Up On Him

In the beginning, God created all things and after every creation, the Bible noted specifically that God said, by himself that; “it was good”.

This shows God didn’t just create anything without value. Everything He created has great and tremendous value.

If after creating man, He said; “be fruitful and take dominion”. This is even more than just mere value but “value + responsibility”.

God did not create you so that you will go through the challenges of life and give up just because you think you cannot either keep on going or you think; “oh! This is over already”.

I like to use the words of Paul here where he said. “None of these things move me”. And I am using it in this contest, as that should be your attitude. When faced with a challenge that seems unmoving, get the attitude of “none of these things move me” take charge of your mind.

Then build up strength from that position of faith. And your faith should be on the word of God, therefore, you go into the word and see what God had said concerning that issue. If you don’t find a direct answer, you will surely find a pattern.

The bible said; “it is not by might that men should prevail”. We are not talking about using your strength or human ability but relying on God’s ability.

If you do this, you will find the strength to stand in the day of adversity. Even if the urge to give up is so strong, you will find the word of God propping you up to be strong and courageous.

These were the same words God told people like Joshua and Gideon that they should be “strong and courageous”.

And to be strong and courageous means there will be challenges and issues and problems that will be overwhelming, but you have to be strong and move on with courage.

God is not only telling you to be strong and courageous because He won’t do anything and just allow ‘whatever will be to be’. God will move things on your behalf if you refuse to give up.

At the end of the Apostle Paul’s ministry, he said, “I have finished the course and I have fought a good fight of faith”.

This is what you need the courage for, to fight the good of fight of faith and win.

There is this book by Bishop T.D Jakes – SOAR. Go get it. You will be glad you did.

We are starting our YouTube channel, where we will be sharing edits from messages and videos we find interesting to you. More info coming soon.

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