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Faith In Small Matters

Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen and you don’t hope or see them in the future, you see them now.

Looking at the book of Deuteronomy 32:20, where God said, “I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be; for they are very forward generation children in whom is no faith”.

God does not take pleasure in a man who has no faith or doesn’t function in faith.

And the faith we are talking about here is the God kind of faith. And this faith only comes by hearing His word.

You see, God is very principled, that’s why He gave us laws. And one of the laws is the law of faith. Just as you have the law of gravity that simply says anything that goes up must come down, so faith is the only way to receive from God and please Him.

The Bible made us understand that faith is the only way to please God. No other way, be it your offering or tithes or other outward demonstration. You see, God is not moved by your tears nor is He moved when you beg him. He wants you to have faith in him. That is all He wants from you, and He wants it now.

What a lot of us do not know is that there is a difference between faithfulness and faith. That you are a righteous man doesn’t mean you will receive a result. This result can only come by faith – the God kind of faith.

No wonder, the Bible says, “the just shall live by his faith”. Your living is based on your faith. Your prosperity is as a result of your faith. The quality of your life is as a result of the faith you have and have applied. So, if you want to move to the next level in your life, you have to apply faith again. That’s why everything that happens to you in life is your responsibility.

They're perfect examples of men and women who demonstrated faith in God as recorded in the Bible.

One of them is the woman with the issue of blood. The Bible recorded that this woman, whose name or life the Bible didn’t tell us, except that she had spent all her money at the medicals and instead of her condition improving, it got worse.

One day, she saw Jesus walking by in a crowd and she said to herself, if I can only touch the hem of His garment, I would be made whole.

Amidst the crowd, she pressed forward until she could touch the Master. And at that moment, Jesus knew virtue had gone out of Him. When He turned and saw the woman, she told Jesus everything and Jesus said: “your faith has made you whole”.

It is very important we take note that Jesus didn’t generalize the healing by saying “God faith has made you whole”, if not we will be full of excuses why we didn’t receive what we asked for. He said “her faith”.

It is your responsibility to activate the faith of God that is inside of you and grow it. There is no one born again that is without faith. And it doesn’t have to be a huge one to make you receive result; you just need to apply it.

Taking us back to our opening scripture, faith was perfectly defined as the evidence of things not seen. So, how you have can you have evidence on what you do not see? You can’t do that by your sensory perception, you can only do that by the eyes of your spirit. You can only do that by faith.

It is like when someone brings you the CofO of a landed property and tells you that it is yours. The only reason you will accept and believe it is because you trust the person that brought the CofO to you and also have confidence that the landed property is real even without seeing it with your physical eyes.

Now, start demonstrating your faith in small matters. Whatever it is, give the first place to God. A lot of us of us have made God our second or last option. And this happens because we do not have faith in God. And this why God in Deuteronomy 32:20 that He will hide His face from His own people and watch how their end comes because they’re children of no faith.

Remember, you already have faith as a grain of mustard seed, plant it and make it grow strong. And start applying it in small matters.

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