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7 Lessons From Jesus Christ If You Want To Live A Successful Life

Mark 9:35:  

And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith to them, If any man desireth to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all. (Webster translation)

To live a successful life requires the understanding of some essential success principles, and the application of these principles is what differentiates the 'haves' from the 'have not', the rich from the poor.

If you look at the lives of the successful people the world celebrates today, the likes of Bill Gates and Strive Masiyiwa, there are things they know and do differently than an average person don't do.

Reading the book of Mark chapter 9, there are 5 notable verses that if you can live by, you are going to experience more fulfilment and success in life.

Here are 7 things you can start doing today for a more successful life;

1. Mark 9: 2 - 9: The first is that there is the sovereign declaration from God the father to man concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, "Hear ye Him".  The second is that the glory of the father is not tied or conformed to a place, rather it is express forth in a man because it is resident in you but shine on the outside for men to see.

2. Mark 9: 19: When you're dealing with God Almighty, you must take out the "if's" out of your vocabulary. With God, all things are possible. So, instead of saying "if only I can get that job", say "When God blesses me with that job". You cannot afford to live in unbelieve and without faith, if you desire success in this life. This is the currency by which you can activate the power of God as a man, and not wait for a medium.

3. Mark 9: 29: Prayer and Fasting are very important, and there should be an ample time dedicated to praying in your life. Somethings won't happen in your life unless you fast and pray.

4. Mark 9: 35: The path to and of greatness is rooted in service. And this includes service to human whether low or high. It takes away pride as you wear on humility. If a man desire to be the greatest or the first then he must also desire to be the last of all, and a servant of all.

5. Mark 9: 38 - 40: Christianity and Christian faith is not determined by your local church or the man of God you have chosen to follow. If anyone does things in Christ name, you're in the same boat with them. 

6. Mark 9: 41: When you give a man anything in the name of Jesus because you belong to Christ, you shall not lose your reward. So, learn to give.

7. Mark 9: 49 - 50: Be seasoned. Do not lose your identity in Christ. And strive to live in peace with your neighbour. Be preservatives yourself. Preserve the peace.

In a nutshell, let us list them out. These things require some work from you, and daily practice to get them integrated into your system.

+ Listen to the voice of the Spirit

+ Always have faith in God

+ Set aside time for your personal prayer and fast

+ Learn to serve

+ Give right judgement and justice

+ Do good always

+ Never lose your Christ identity

Don't forget to email us for every question you have and especially if you feel depressed. We can help.


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