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If Being a Christian Was a Crime, Would There Be Enough Evidence to Convict You? The Story of Daniel

The story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den is a timeless tale packed with insights on faith, courage, and unshakable conviction. It starts in Daniel 6:3, where Daniel’s excellent spirit sets him apart, earning him favour with King Darius. This distinction stirs up envy among the other presidents and princes, who seek to destroy him. However, they find no fault in Daniel; as they put it, "he was faithful." Realizing they couldn’t accuse him of wrongdoing, they decided to target his faithfulness to God (Daniel 6:5).

Their sinister plan? A new policy that forbids prayer to anyone except the king. The catch? They get the king to sign it into an unchangeable decree. But Daniel, undeterred, goes straight to his house, opens his window, and continues praying just as he always had—boldly and in the open (Daniel 6:10). He didn’t hide, and he wasn’t ignorant. He prayed on purpose, knowing full well the consequences.

The conspirators catch him in the act and report back to the king. Although the king tries desperately to save Daniel (Daniel 6:14), the decree cannot be revoked. Lesson? Never make men your deliverer; that’s God’s job.

Thrown into the lions’ den, Daniel’s fate seems sealed. But before he leaves, King Darius prays over Daniel, saying, “Thy God whom you serve continually, He will deliver you” (Daniel 6:16). Yes, people are watching how you serve God. They notice the kind of Christian you are. You might think only God knows your heart, but men judge what they see. Another key takeaway? Cultivate friendships where people can pray for you when you’re not there—just like Darius did.

Darius doesn’t stop at prayer; he fasts all night (Daniel 6:18) and rushes to the den at dawn, anxiously asking, “Is thy God whom thou servest continually able to deliver thee?” (Daniel 6:20). And Daniel responds triumphantly: “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me” (Daniel 6:22).

Here’s the twist: The same evidence that convicted Daniel also delivered him. His steadfast faith led King Darius to issue a new decree commanding everyone to fear the God of Daniel. The testimony of Daniel’s deliverance echoed far and wide, proving God’s power to rescue and work wonders. And Daniel prospered.

As for his enemies? They, along with their families, were thrown into the lions’ den—and this time, the lions didn’t hold back.

This story challenges us: If accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Like Daniel, let your faithfulness to God be undeniable, even in the face of adversity.

Image: Pexels

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