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Consider These Thoughts From Deuteronomy 23 and 28: it will give you an advantage

When God loves you, He turns every curse of the adversaries into a blessing in your life. In life, it doesn’t matter what you suffer in the hands of another, if you had benefitted from him at any point in time, you should not abhor him.

We sometimes miss the presence of God and His manifestation because of our sins – however small or insignificant, we consider them to be. The Lord does not reside in a place of sin. He will turn away from you.

No wonder a lot of people tend to experience incomplete victories. They start out with God from a place of holiness and continued by bringing unholy things thinking grace will see them through. But what is grace without God?

The grace will keep you alive but the victory won’t follow the way God intended.

There is the “IF” condition on God’s blessing on your life. There’s a condition that must be fulfilled before you can enjoy the blessings that follow. It’s a law just like the law of gravity.

According to the concept of gravity, if you throw anything up, it shall automatically come down.

So, if you obey and hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord, all these blessings shall come on you.

One of the mistakes most people make is not diligently following God’s commandment and instruction. They expect a full blessing on a half commitment. It doesn’t work that way except in very rare cases. And these cases are the exceptions and not the rule.

You don’t want to live your life by the exception phenomenon and experience because it is not one that you have control over. You are not the determinant in this case. You can’t control how and when it will happen.

An example is for everybody in the world to expect the transformation that happened to Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus when Jesus Christ appeared to him and got him saved.

Now, God has set a specific rule on how this should be done – you confess and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, and then you shall be saved. That is the rule!

It is important to point out that not obeying God’s voice is not really about the general sin that we know – fornication, adultery, idolatry etc., even though they are not exempted. When God gives you a nudging or an instruction by His Spirit and you didn’t follow it completely, that is a sin.

James talked about the hearer and the doer; one hears and does not – he deceives himself. The other hears and does – he gets the promises.

If God gives you an instruction and you did not do it accordingly, to His described pattern, you are not obedient.

Have you imagined what would have happened if Noah didn’t build the ark according to God’s specifications? Disaster.

God is very much interested in the process as well as the result of the application of His instructions. Think about it: God told Moses to hit the rock the first time, he did and water came out of the rock. The second time, God instructed him to speak to the rock, out of anger Moses hit the rock instead, but guess what – water came out too.  There was a result but not according to God’s process. It wasn’t how God wanted the water to gush out.

Just to point out, be careful what you do or say when you are angry or devastated. Don’t shake the tree and cause the fruit to fall down prematurely aborting your result.

How many times are we like Moses? God gives us an instruction of how to do what we want to do, we turn around and do it another way, like we are trying to help him with a better strategy as if He is not God who knows all things. Nevertheless, we got the result applying our own method but there’s no glory in there for God.

And there are things in the process God wanted you to know or learn, that would be needed for your future as you progress through life. You missed it!

Probably, you are there standing and asking God for a job opportunity and He said; “go to ABC company, drop your CV with the security guard”, a friend, that is what you should do.

What usually happens is that our logical brain takes control and tries to reason the whole process out to find a better method of dropping our CV. You will start canvassing your contact to see who works in there that can help you unknowing to you that the decision maker and the security guard have a special relationship beyond work. You missed it again!

If God wants you to drop it with the security guard then He would have arranged for your CV to be seen by the decision maker or get it ready for your own favour.

Come to think of it, don’t you think if God wanted you to contact your friend in the company he would have told you so?

The bible says God’s ear is not hard of earing that He can’t ear you or His hand too short that He cannot save you.

There is nothing as fulfilling as serving the Lord with joyfulness and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things.

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